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Store Policy

Privacy & Safety

Prevent Child Abuse Florida is a subsidiary of The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida. Both entities (“we,” “us,” or “our”) have a strong commitment to keeping your information as private as possible. By accessing (“site,”) you (the user) agree to the following terms:

  1. Contact information (first and last name, company name, address, phone number(s), email address) entered into the site may be used for the following purposes:

    1. Fulfilment of any orders placed

    2. Marketing emails from Prevent Child Abuse Florida or The Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida*

  2. Payment information entered into the site is used for the sole purpose of processing authorized payment(s) for goods or services when ordered.

  3. No information (contact or payment information) shall ever be shared in any way without your consent to any entities (individual or corporate) other than us.

*To opt-out of marketing emails, please contact Mercedes Collins at

Payment Methods

Payment Methods


Offline Payments

Payment Methods

Tax Policy

If you have a Tax Exemption Certificate, please enter the certificate number in the appropriate fields on the checkout form to have all sales tax removed. 
Orders without exemption are subject to sales tax. 

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